Matt Reeves’ “The Batman” beautifully captures the darkness of the dark knight, masterfully utilizing all the cinematic elements needed to make Robert Pattinson...
With the Winter Olympics finally here, Jamaica is showing that they will fight hard to be the best.
Back in mid-January, Jamaica qualified for the four-man b...
After a freshman year of virtual classes, I’ve gained a new appreciation for my college experience and the extra year I had at home.
When the COVID-19 pande...
How a community unites in the midst of trying times
On Feb. 14, 2008, my life changed forever. Just the night before, I was playing mini hockey in the living...
Keeping a positive, Christian attitude can be challenging in communities notorious for harassment and toxicity. By sharing my experiences, I demonstrate how to ...
“You have entered a New Dawn.”
On Jan. 7th, 2022 Abel Tesfaye, better known as “The Weeknd,” released his fifth studio album, “Dawn FM.” The high...
A look into Marvel’s phase four, and whether it can sustain the popularity Marvel has garnered in recent years
Marvel’s latest miniseries “Hawkeye” recently ...
‘Cyrano De Bergerac’ was shown this October 14th through 17th at Wynn Amphitheatre. We got an exclusive behind the scenes look at the inspiration behind this Pr...
Jeffree Star’s car crash has stirred up the media and has people raising eyebrows.
Youtube star and influencer Jeffree Star was recently involved in a car c...