ZU Magazine is a publication of ZU Media. The following is an article from Issue 5: Revolution.
ZU Magazine Copy Editor | Kendall Langrell
“The tipping p...
Kendall Langrell | Staff Writer
Missions trips: they affect people differently, teach various lessons and take you to unexpected places. Yet one thing seems ...
Kendall Langrell | Staff Writer
Since its beginning in 1923, Disney has been ever- adapting, adjusting and growing with the change in social and cultural in...
Kendall Langrell | Staff Writer
Monday nights during the spring semester are famous in apartments and dorms at colleges across the country. You may be asking y...
Kendall Langrell | Staff Writer
In the age of social media, older generations like to remind us millennials that the world does not revolve around Instagram li...
Kendall Langrell | Staff Writer
Pick a cause, share a photo on the app, and watch Johnson & Johnson donate. It’s like Instagram, but for...
Kendall Langrell | Staff Writer
Contrary to popular belief, “out with the new, in with the old” is not a concept that hipsters are bringing back. It’s a mindse...
Kendall Langrell | Staff Writer
On December 23, 2016, a music video was uploaded to Youtube.
“Hwages” is a music video with women in Saudi Arabia play...
Kendall Langrell is a senior journalism major from Pomona, California. She is a car enthusiast, a burrito connoisseur and hopes to work as an editor or social media coordinator after graduation.