If you’re tired of cliche resolutions that you can never stick to then read on. 

The holiday season is in full swing. Christmas is around the corner and soon after New Year’s is too. This means people are beginning to plan not only for their New Year’s parties but their New Year’s resolutions as well.  

Here are some ideas for New Year’s resolutions and how to stick to them. 

  • Buy house plants: House plants have been found to boost air quality, bring down stress, and increase productivity.  


  • Prep your meals for the week: You’ll save money and time by preparing balanced meals for the week on Sunday. This will also save you from frequently eating out. 


  • Start a gratitude journal: Pondering the things that you are grateful for can possibly boost your mental and physical health. Make it a frequent practice by having a daily gratitude journal. 


  • Visit a new state: Explore a new state by going on a road trip with friends or family. 


  • Limit your single-use plastic consumption: Plastic is everywhere but it’s not great for the environment. Lower carbon emissions by using reusable cutlery, bowls and bottles.


  • Drink more water: The majority of us have soda, coffee or tea than water. Upping your consumption of H20 could cause a more balanced diet and a radiant complexion. 


  • Volunteer somewhere: Volunteering has been shown to boost your physical and mental health.


  • Take a part of your paychecks and put it towards an investment or savings account. Putting a tiny percentage away adds up down the road.   


  • Another New Year’s Resolution is to clean out the clutter from your car especially if you drive frequently. You can spot clean so the clutter doesn’t accumulate and your car will be cleaned more frequently. 


  •  Go to a new restaurant and be spontaneous by ordering a new entree that you haven’t eaten before.


  • Start a new hobby or something new such as drawing, reading or collecting stamps. 


  • Keep the clutter out of the kitchen area. Put away the clutter such as post-its, papers and groceries that are not put away. Take twenty minutes to put the clutter away where it belongs. It’ll assist in making meals easier as the kitchen is decluttered. 


  • Travel somewhere and don’t post it on social media. That way you will make more memories and live in the moment instead of stopping to take photos frequently. 

 One way that you can stick to New Year’s resolutions is by being specific with your goals. Being specific with your New Year’s resolutions makes it easier to identify exactly what the resolutions are. 

Another way that you can stick to New Year’s resolutions is by writing them down or emailing them to friends or families so that they can hold you accountable. You can also print your resolutions and tape it to the wall so it’s visible. All of these ways will make your resolutions feel more official. 

Now that you have some ideas and know how to stick to them, what are going to be some of your resolutions?