This week I decided to create a professional website for myself. Why? Because as a soon-t0-be college graduate, my goals are starting to shift from passing classes and doing well on exams to getting a job in the “real” world. It’s a scary and intimidating thing to think about.

But as I spent Sunday afternoon compiling clips and information about myself, I realized that I’ve accomplished so many “real” things already. Yes, college may be a more isolated part of life, but that doesn’t make it any less real. Right now, as EIC, I lead a real staff of real journalists. Together, we create a newspaper with real news that is printed on real paper and distributed to real readers. Nothing about our job as student journalists is fake. We’re just doing things on a smaller scale then, say, the New York Times. But smaller doesn’t make it any less real.

I’m so proud of the work my staff has done this semester. Our journalistic work is important, and I hope that the APU campus has benefited from our efforts.

Oh, and of course you can check out my new website here.