A sense of excitement fills the campus as Halloween approaches. Perhaps it is the reminiscence of childhood traditions like fall fest and trick-or-treating. Even if college students are too old for such activities, one can never outgrow the pleasure of Halloween treats – that is something people of all ages can get excited about.

Not only are students excited about these treats, but so is every food blogger out there. Pinterest and Tumblr are brimming with recipe ideas from food art for all of the creative types to Paleo and all-natural versions of Halloween favorites for the health conscious. Aside from the ones shown in photos, Pinterest gives many more healthy and creative snack options, including veggie trays set up to look like skeletons and pumpkins by color coordinating the vegetables and their shapes.


Monster Mouths:
Perfect Halloween Snack of Granny smith apples for lips, yogurt covered raisins for teeth and peanut butter to hold it all together. Photo credit: Anna Eidmann

Many of the ingredients needed for these recipes can be found at the 99 Cent Store on Alosta and Citrus.

Oftentimes, fall treats are easier to think of than Halloween ones, but students show that with a little creativity there is more to look forward to this holiday.

Traditional Treats

Another fun and healthy idea is oven-roasted pumpkin seeds – just in time for the APU computer store’s pumpkin giveaway on campus. When carving pumpkins, many people save, clean and wash the seeds to be roasted in the oven with butter and salt, plus other sauces and spices to taste. Try a savory version of garlic salt and Worcestershire sauce or a spicy combo with cayenne pepper, thyme, salt and pepper. An even more festive option combines cinnamon, ground ginger, salt and allspice.

Perfect for midterm study breaks, students can whip up something sweet and Halloween-themed to stay motivated until the end of the school week. As an added bonus, any of these recipes fit perfectly into Halloween parties or get-togethers still in need of food ideas!


Strawberry Ghosts:
Strawberries dipped in white chocolate or candiquick with chocolate chips for eyes and mouth make a sweet and adorable snack. Photo credit: Anna Eidmann

Many students already have favorite creative recipes. Senior psychology major Gabe Lee described his love for apple cider donuts and hopes to try carrot coconut spice cupcakes this season.

While that may be a more uncommon Halloween treat, senior psychology major Nathan Mather raves about a more common one. “I love Caramel Apples, especially those that come with several dipping options like white chocolate chips, sprinkles and cookie crumbles,” Mather said.

Anna’s Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes:

Every mealtime, including breakfast, is an appropriate one for Halloween treats. There are few better ways to start the day than with pumpkin-baked goods and warm fall beverages. For a simple and healthy pumpkin breakfast recipe, see below:

(Serving size: 1)
-1/3 can pumpkin
-2 eggs
-1 tablespoon nut butter of choice

Optional add-ins:
-Cocoa powder
-Chocolate chips
-Berries of choice
-Chia seeds
-Flax seeds

Mix all ingredients together in bowl. Heat large frying pan over medium heat with about half a teaspoon of coconut oil. Pour batter into fist-sized pancake formations. Cook each side for about a minute and a half and serve hot.

Serving size makes about three pancakes and is paired perfectly with bacon. Prepare large batches of batter for the whole week to use as a quick and nutritious breakfast every day.

Rice Krispies Treats:

For those living in the dorms with limited kitchen availability or who don’t have the time this week, there are some college-friendly Halloween treats that are simply spruced-up versions of classics.

“I love Halloween-themed Rice Krispies. They’re just regular Rice Krispies treats with Reese’s pieces. … Never underestimate a good Rice Krispies treat,” said Allen Yee, junior communication studies major.

Halloween Muddy Buddies:

Another college classic is Muddy Buddies, but with a Halloween twist. Add Reese’s Pieces or candy corn to the original recipe, or try pumpkin puree to make a pumpkin spice version. To make a caramel apple one add caramel and dried apple pieces. The same can be done with Chex Mix. As an added treat, caramel apple nachos, simply drizzle caramel and yogurt over apple slices and sprinkle with nuts and chocolate chips.

If you want to stray away from the usual chocolate and candy from trick-or-treating, go ahead and try one of these treats!