Amy Gillis, facilites employee for APU

Amy Gillis, custodian at Azusa Pacific, loves her job and also wants to make a difference by ministering students. Photo credit: Erica Knudsen

Recipient of the 2009 Vivian Felix Award for Inspirational Staff Member of the Year and stand-in mother for half of Trinity Hall, Amy Gillis serves to clean after freshmen with singing, a smile and a servant’s heart.

Gillis has been working for APU in facilities management for 10 years. Her responsibilities are to make sure the south floors of Trinity Hall are clean, but she has a higher standard for herself.

“I look forward to coming to work every day because my job is a ministry,” Gillis said. “I am not here just to clean – I am here for ministry and to love these kids.”

She said she wants to be a role model of Christ to all the women in the halls and her fellow employees. She knows the importance of keeping the residences clean, but also wants to be seen as a mother figure.

“Cleaning is just a small facet of her job description,” senior communication studies major Molly Ruby, former Trinity Hall resident advisor, said. “She takes being with college students seriously, and her love for the girls and the Lord shows through everything that she does.”

Gillis would not consider working anywhere else. She said she loves the APU environment and enjoys being around people who want to be at a Christian college and have a relationship with Christ.

“When I first got to APU, she made me feel very welcome and told me, ‘I am your mom now,'” sophomore communication studies major Taylor Hust said. “I would see her at like 5 a.m. and not leave until 6 p.m., and she was always the happiest person – always a light and happy to be at work.”

Gillis said some of her residents could come from “bad home situations,” but she doesn’t know.

“If you can connect with that one student and give them a smile to let them know you’re there, it can change someone’s life,” she said.

Gillis said her unwavering positivity comes from being a follower of Christ.

“The Lord is my rock and I figure I can make a choice: I can get up grumpy or I can be happy,” Gillis said. “My mood reflects the students in the hall, and sure, I have bad days, but I don’t let it reflect [in] my job.”

Gillis has participated in the annual City Links event, and when birthdays come around each month, she will greet the women with a song.

“No matter what time of the day she’s working, you can always hear Amy singing and talking to other girls on the hall,” freshman undeclared major Jenae Bone said. “She takes her job seriously, and she brings her whole heart everywhere she goes.”

The 58-year-old Gillis has been living in Glendora for more than 20 years. Her two sons attend Citrus College and her husband also works for APU as a landscaper on West Campus.

Gillis said she would love to retire at APU, and continues to maintain relationships with the students when they leave the dorms.

“I see myself here for another 12 years,” Gillis said, “unless the Lord sees me in another direction.”