Ethics bowl team succeeds in national competition Jessie GomezWednesday, February 25th, 2015 First time team makes it to quarterfinals... Campus NewsNews0 Comments3 views 0
Racial discrimination is evident at APU Jessie GomezWednesday, February 18th, 2015 Proving that my experience is legitimate... Opinion0 Comments34 views 0
We’re not a bunch of Walsh-hating extremists Jessie GomezWednesday, December 3rd, 2014 #WantedByWalsh is plea advocating for positive change in evolving institution... Opinion0 Comments47 views 0
Professional women share experiences in workforce Jessie GomezThursday, November 20th, 2014 Women's Resource Center hosts luncheon with professional women... News0 Comments4 views 0
Shire Mods encounters suspicious activity Jessie GomezFriday, November 7th, 2014 Students take precautionary measures after several calls made to Campus Safety Dept.... News0 Comments119 views 0
Chicano-Latino Experience series brings awareness of Chicano culture Jessie GomezThursday, November 6th, 2014 Professor discusses experience as Mexican-American bilingual... News0 Comments25 views 0
July graduation discontinued, others emphasized Jessie GomezWednesday, October 22nd, 2014 University works to enhance May and December graduation ceremonies... News0 Comments6 views 0
Students bridge gaps with Azusa community Jessie GomezThursday, October 2nd, 2014 APU programs involving students gave thousands of hours of service last year... News0 Comments21 views 0
Wallace hosts ‘Conversations with the President’ Jessie GomezTuesday, April 15th, 2014 University head meets with faculty, staff in series of six open-dialogue forums... Arts & EntertainmentNews0 Comments2 views 0
A measure for modesty Jessie GomezWednesday, April 9th, 2014 Difficult to define, it isn't about avoiding tight clothes and short skirts... Opinion0 Comments198 views 0