REVIEW: ‘Frozen’ gets 4 out of 4 Jeremiah HillWednesday, December 4th, 2013 Staff writer Jeremiah Hill rates the new Disney film 4 out of 4 J-Dubs... Lifestyle0 Comments0 views 0
The cost of excellence Jeremiah HillWednesday, December 4th, 2013 APU pays well for extraordinary leadership... News0 Comments474 views 0
REVIEW: Thor 2 Jeremiah HillWednesday, November 13th, 2013 Hill describes the newest Marvel installment's unimpressive battle scene but rates film 3 out of 4 J-dubs for its 'brilliant dialogue and humor'... Lifestyle0 Comments1 views 0
Hey NSA, stop bugging us Jeremiah HillTuesday, November 5th, 2013 European nations are questioning U.S. snooping; we should too... Opinion0 Comments0 views 0
APU volleyball continues dominance at home Jeremiah HillThursday, October 31st, 2013 La Sierra proves to be a worthy opponent in the non-conference matchup... Sports0 Comments0 views 0
Chivalry – Love it or lose it? Jeremiah HillWednesday, October 23rd, 2013 Will chivalry open doors for future APU students?... Opinion0 Comments1 views 0
We are to blame for government inadequacy Jeremiah HillWednesday, October 16th, 2013 Apathetic Americans, including APU students, have no right to complain about messy government affairs... Opinion0 Comments3 views 0
English department hosts ‘Writer’s Read’ Jeremiah HillMonday, October 14th, 2013 Students and faculty gather to read aloud and support each other's writing... Arts & EntertainmentNews0 Comments1 views 0
Chamber Singers victorious abroad Jeremiah HillWednesday, September 25th, 2013 Azusa Pacific placed first in international choral competition held in Austria... Lifestyle0 Comments12 views 0
Beginning to understand Jeremiah HillWednesday, September 25th, 2013 Are there weaknesses in strengths education?... Opinion0 Comments7 views 0