ZU News is researching what interests APU students and what topics they want to see covered in the publication
ZU Media is run by Azusa Pacific University students and covers news, lifestyle, sports and opinion stories. The team is always open to ideas from students, and as a community, are very interested in each student’s thoughts, likes and dislikes.
This week, I had the privilege of interviewing a few students at APU about what topics they would be looking forward to seeing on the ZU Media page.
Kailee Kobayashi, a freshman social work major, shared that she would be interested in reading other people’s testimonies, the origin of students and what motivated them to select their career path.
“I feel like a lot of people are interested in each other’s testimonies…whether it be in religion or faith or even how they got into their major.”
Kobayashi continued, “Also, knowing the staff here has been very cool to get to know someone who did an article about the trolley driver– that was the most amazing article I read. I feel like getting to know the faculty is something people would like to read.”
She concluded that she is also interested in learning more about the faculty, especially the origin of how they got into APU and started to serve in this community.
As she spoke, I found myself nodding in agreement that the trolley article was remarkably insightful and that the story of the trolley driver’s origins was particularly intriguing to readers.
Dulce Beltran, another freshman social work major, said that she wanted to see topics relevant to her major and hear other people’s perspectives on how we could build a better community.
“The things that I would like to see are social work-related items that are happening around the community, obviously because I like learning about them and hearing other people’s perspectives and ideas and what they could do to improve the community,” Beltran said.
Beltran was also interested in knowing more about college tips that upper-level students could give to upcoming first-year students.
“I think this would be interesting since we are college students who want to know the discounts on certain items and where the discounts are provided,” she added.
Ian Jin, a freshman nursing major, told me he wanted to know more about other people’s hobbies and what other people were interested in.
“I would be interested if ZU Media interviewed people in a “man in the street” style video where you would interview people to talk to ask about their hobbies and interests,” Jin said. “At the end of the interview, those willing to share their social media or phone number so people with the same interests can meet up with them and chat to build a community.”
Jin concluded, “I’m also curious about other people’s perspectives on fashion or how they present themselves on social media. It would be interesting to watch people rate my outfits… I’d appreciate suggestions for fashion items to help men and women enhance their overall style.”
After these interviews, I realized ZU Media has the potential to bring people together who share common interests and hobbies, foster new relationships and encourage more individuals to be involved in this movement.
These are some opinions from APU students on what they’d like to see covered by ZU Media. ZU Media is always open to hearing about topics students are interested in and major events happening on campus. If you come across a journalism major on campus or visit our social media, feel free to suggest any topics you’d like us to cover. We’re always willing to listen!