Morgan Eisenga | Staff Writer

Humility: In the spiritual sense, it is an unwrought grace of the soul that allows one to think of oneself no more highly than one ought to think. To a Hebrew, it was virtually worse than death.

We are called to stand in HUMILITY.

Ephesians 4:1-2 states: “Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.  Always be humble and gentle,” (NLT). “ Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,” says Colossians 3:12 (NLT).

No one ever wants to be humiliated. It is embarrassing, gut wrenching. It makes you feel unworthy. But according to the Word, God wants HUMILITY to be a lifestyle characteristic to us and standing in HUMILITY is a precious attribute.

Did you know that Jesus hung on the cross in complete humiliation?

I know being humiliated sucks; it can allow us to fear, become frustrated, feel exhausted and can even cause hopelessness. I totally get it. But let us embrace the Truth by standing firm and bold in humiliation however it comes. When we are faced with HUMILIATION, know that God can take it on with so much more power and might than we can muster. When we are persecuted, God takes it far more personally than we do, especially when we are being persecuted for obeying Him.

Think of all the battles you have faced that caused humiliation at the time, but then think of how you conquered then. These situations create more strength in you than you know and allow you to be more of a reflection of Jesus. Is that not what we want? To become more like Jesus everyday through all our actions? He has not forgotten, and He has seen every one of our battles; He knows who have treated us unfairly. But continue to latch onto Him and claim His Promises.

As it says in Luke 9:23, Jesus tells us to, “Give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me” (NLT).  Not to just deny ourselves when things are not going our way or we need some sort of miracle to happen. But every single day, every moment, every minute to take up our cross.

He has plans for us to prosper and not to harm us. Standing in humility is a challenge for us all, but let’s try to apply it to our life, knowing it is He who lives in us, not ourselves.