Morgan Eisenga | Staff Writer

Why do we allow fear to get in the way of us sharing the Good News of Jesus? Why are we scared to speak up about Jesus in the workplace, relationships or at school? Jesus has never been ashamed to speak up on our behalf.

Our fears are always bigger and worse than reality. The reason is because we fantasize over our fears in our head. We give the enemy a place to speak into our fears and create lies and doubts inside our heads. It is crazy how fear can consume us when we only keep them to ourselves. There is so much power when talk openly about our fears to someone and understand that they really can be overcome.

Fear is just a feeling and it cannot last. Feelings and emotions are temporary. They never stay the same. We do not always stay happy, sad, depressed or doubtful. Yes, fear can be uncomfortable at times because it might push us to do something we do not want to do at all. But it is a growth opportunity to trust God in what He is doing.

Yes it might be uncomfortable, but it won’t kill us. When we give into our fears they will increase, but it will lessen when we move against it. When we have the courage to go against our fears we become courageous in stepping into our faith and allowing God to move.

When we stand for God it is a victory over fear. When we step into our fears, it is faith. It is God asking us, “Do YOU trust me?” When we stand firm in God, our fear moves out and we will become a more confident woman or man.

Yes it can be scary speaking out loudly about your faith because it puts you at the risk of being vulnerable, humiliated or persecuted. But we have to ask ourselves: Are we more concerned about the now or eternity?

May we pray like the first Christians did, “Lord, you know the threats people make. So help us as your servants to speak your Word without fear.” Acts 4:29

Let’s stand firm in our relationship with God and allow our faith and character to be built on the strong foundation. When we play it safe, we become weaker and weaker. If we are not afraid we are not courageous. “You must never be ashamed of to tell others about our Lord. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer if necessary to share the Good News,” 2 Timothy 1:8.