After Ilene Bezjian retired from her post as the dean of the School of Business Management and David Weeks moved from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to the new Honors College, both SBM and CLAS are entering the several-months-long process of searching for new deans.
Rosemary Liegler and Donald Isaak are currently acting as interim deans for SBM and CLAS, respectively. The school and college each have extensive committees to search for the new deans. Vice Provost for Undergraduate Programs Vicky Bowden is heading up the search for CLAS and Vice Provost for Graduate Programs and Research Diane Guido for SBM.
The process and the timeline of both searches, although led by different committees, looks very similar, said Guido. The kick-off meeting for CLAS is Oct. 10 and SBM Oct. 11.
During the meetings, committees will finalize the official job description and eventually post it online for prospective applicants. According to Guido, the job posting will stay up for several months.
The first round of interviews will take place around February of next year, with the final round of interviews in March. The goal is for the new deans to start work July 1, 2014, according to Guido.
Guido said the SBM search committee is looking for “a leader in the field who will take APU to the next level.” This would include handling the new online Master of Business Management program, expanding internship programs and even increasing the size of the school in number of students.
The committee will discuss strengths and weaknesses of each candidate to help members come to a decision, Guido said.