An overview of the Azusa Pacific University water polo team’s expectations, faith, community engagement and team chemistry.
The current state of the water polo team is just below .500 at a record of 3-5 throughout the first month of the season. Despite this, the team doesn’t allow the record to reflect their attitude and interfere with their expectations and chemistry.
Head coach Priscilla Gomez displayed reassurance for the season and informed the importance of faith integration within the team in an interview.
“We definitely want to take it back to the basics. As far as what are we here for? What is our team here for? My goal is to bring the girls back to our goals and values this way we can be on the same page,” Gomez stated.
Indicating the importance of chemistry to endure and build off the success in prior seasons is of value to the entire team. In her second season, coach Gomez is insistent on establishing a healthy and positive relationship among the team to meet and exceed expectations of a winning season.
“I like to incorporate activities outside of the water, for example, a devotional,” she added.
This quote refers to monthly appearances from campus pastors, which inspire the team’s motivation for success. Additionally, Bible verses and prayers are conducted after practices among the players, as a way to incorporate and express their faith and commitments as a team to compete at high levels. With the affirmation that God will guide them, Azusa Pacific’s water polo team takes incentive in faith integration and sets an example for the community.
“We have two captains, they’re our biggest leaders to help what we want to accomplish as a team: Mica Schiavone and Kaelene De Bie, they’re great people to look up to, trustworthy and great athletes as well,” Gomez said.
The two captains are the biggest leaders inside and out of the locker rooms with frequent prayer leads and feedback to help improve the team. With the two captains being some of the most experienced on the team, coach Gomez expressed her confidence in younger players stepping into that leadership role. The influence provided by the two current captains as role models assists the team in growing as student-athletes inside and outside the water.
Coach Gomez concluded, “I would like the APU Community to know that the water polo team here strives to do God’s will. We like to keep God centered in our motivation, we use it to compete as a team against others and we like to set a good example of what it means to be a group of young women led by God”.
APU’s water polo team maintains a positive mindset throughout the season with faith integration activities and cooperation from dependent leaders. With the current state of the coaching and mindset of the players, Azusa Pacific’s water polo team is on pace to continue and maintain a healthy and respectable program. A successful team starts with getting teammates on the same page and accomplishing team-driven goals which coach Gomez is doing an excellent job of.