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Letter from the Editor
To our readers,
The God we serve is unfathomable. He is beyond time (2 Pet. 3:8), perfectly faithful (Deut. 7:9), honorably righteous (Ps. 11:7), utterly omnipresent (Ps. 139:7), inscrutably providential (Pro. 16:33), selflessly loving (Jn. 3:16) and exceedingly holy (Is. 6:3).
All these attributes of God constitute his divine being. Yet, one of the most beautiful, mind-boggling and profound aspects of God is his ability to create out of nothing.
In Genesis 1:3, we see the Lord create light in the midst of darkness. God merely speaks and his desired outcome occurs. In a similar manner, God later creates humanity in his own image, forming Adam out of the dust he created just a few days earlier.
Vita ex nihilo, or “Life out of nothing,” is ZU Magazine’s theme for its final issue of the 2021-2022 school year. Inspired by the creation narrative, our editorial and creative teams saw a need in our community, particularly among graduating seniors. This graduating class will indeed need God to create a way out of no way.
As our world slowly recovers from the past two years of myriad trials, APU students like myself are stepping out onto loose sand as job security dwindles, university tuition costs exceed inflation by nearly 20% and salaries lag behind that same inflation.
But, isn’t it like our God to use times like the present to stretch our faith and glorify his name?
When Abraham and Sarah were in their 90s, the Lord fulfilled his promise to them by opening up Sarah’s womb. As Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, the Lord stood by their side and delivered them from imminent death. As Christ’s physical body lay cold and dead, the Father would soon raise him to new life.
Perhaps you find yourself concerned about this next season. “Where will I work?” you may be asking yourself, or “did I even choose the right major?” If so, I would encourage you to simply trust in God’s plan, because he is the one sovereignly ordaining your steps. Your destiny is not up to you.
Secondly, take heart and know that you are not alone. There are hundreds of other students graduating alongside you and most of us barely have anything figured out. Given this fact, let us be there for one another, always ready to lend a helping hand in times of need.
As I conclude my thoughts for this final letter, I would like to acknowledge a few notable people who have been integral to the success of this publication and my own college experience.
First, thank you to Professor Kent Walls. In the midst of me refusing a professional opportunity for the sake of ethics, you gave me a better opportunity to lead. For that, I am truly grateful.
Thank you to Professor Jonathan Raber for inspiring me to continue my education past college. I know that ZU Media will always have an advocate in you.
Much appreciation to Dr. Montague. Though I never took a class with you, you have taught me so much. Thank you for pouring into my future marriage and for being a strong mentor.
To Dr. Paul Boles, for your thoughtful instruction and prayer. I strive to one day be as humble of a man as you.
To Pastor Rebekah Loufik, for seeing something in me that I didn’t quite understand—though now I do.
To my staff, Olivia, Jesse, Calli, Monet and all of our writers, you have done such an amazing job at putting your heads down and getting to work. You have made it easy to lead, and I know ZU Magazine is in good hands.
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
Brandon Gonzales