Students gathered in APU’s Duke lobby to showcase different scientific research studies.

The Effects of Music Tempo on Perceived Exertion to High-Intensity Functional Training

Among the many scientific studies on display was “The Effect of Music Tempo on Perceived Exertion to High-Intensity Functional Training,” which was presented by senior kinesiology major Martina Zaghloul. The study uncovered the extent to which varying music tempos had on an individual’s rate of perceived exertion (RPE), motivation and time to completion, while engaging in a high-intensity functional training (HIFT) workout.

Four music tempos were put to the test: no music, low tempo (90-100 BPM), moderate (120-130 BPM) and high (150-160 BPM). The six participants were instructed to complete a Crossfit-like workout of a 100-meter row, 50 thrusters and 30 pull-ups as fast as possible, each with a different accompanying music tempo.

After each session, their completion time was recorded in seconds, motivation was surveyed using the Brunel Music Rating Inventory and participants rated their perceived exertion using the Borg scale. Then all data was entered, and a Bonferroni post hoc analysis was used to determine any significant differences between groups.

The only significant difference found was between no music and moderate music tempo in time to completion. Results showed that moderate music and no music negatively influenced the HIFT performance. This contradicted the hypothesis that high tempo music correlated with faster workout completion.

Although there was no significance in the RPE and motivation because of the small sample size, there is still an assumption that high tempo music may increase motivation levels, which would in turn decrease tiredness and RPE.


Don’t Hate the Player, Hate the Game: Scarcity of Romantic Partners Breeds Prejudice Towards Rival Singles

Pictured above: senior psychology major, Trista Harig.

Senior psychology major Trista Harig represented her team’s study titled “Don’t Hate the Player, Hate the Game: Scarcity of Romantic Partners Breeds Prejudice Towards Rival Singles.” Based on previous research showing intersexual competition and mate scarcity, this affects behavior towards rival singles and brings about prejudice when two groups compete for the same source. In this case, it’s mate scarcity.

Harig hypothesized individuals who perceived the number of potential partners as limited or scarce would express greater prejudicial attitudes, social dominance orientation and one’s own mate value (rating oneself as desirable or not) would correlate with ratings of rivals. To test the theory, 206 diverse single participants answered several questions on an online dating-like website detailing what their ideal mate would be like.

First, participants answered questions indicating their demographics and ideal partner. Next, they were directed through a scarcity, control or abundance condition which determined the number of potential mates. Finally, they were asked to rate rival singles on how favorable or unfavorable they seemed.

After completing an additional social dominance orientation scale and mate value scale (a 1-7 scale on one’s own perceived desirability), Harig concluded those who experienced mate scarcity exhibited significantly greater prejudice towards rival singles than those in abundance and controlled conditions. Social dominance orientation also correlated with prejudice.


Meaning Making in Immigration: A Mixed Methods Study with First Generation Latinx Immigrants

Pictured from left to right: Bryanna Orellana, Kayleigh Carras, Lizbeth Miranda-Torres and Cathaline Romero.

The study, “Meaning Making in Immigration: A Mixed Methods Study with First Generation Latinx Immigrants,” aimed to uncover what meaning first-generation Latinx immigrants make about the immigration process and if achieving those objectives (versus not achieving) contribute to overall meaning and wellness.

The 389 first-gen Latinx participants responded to two open-ended questions: Please list the three most important meanings for your immigration and did you achieve these? Participants also completed a “Meaning in Life Questionnaire-Presence” and a “Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale.”

The responses were coded using “Modified Consensual Qualitative Research” methodology. Core themes were found among the responses of why participants immigrated and were divided up into seven categories including familia, quality of life, papeles (civil justice and freedom), financial, education, employment and well-being. Within those categories, the team created a quantitative study to compare differences in meaning in life and psychological distress between achieving a meaning versus not achieving.

Four categories were significant: quality of life, education, employment and wellbeing. Familia, which made up 53 percent of responses, surprisingly did not show any significance. This may be because the number was too high to make a difference within goal met and goal not met. The familia category was very general, though, so the team is currently working to break it down into subcategories, such as running away from family, trying to create a family, reunite with a family, etc.

The team is hoping to have their study evolve more-in depth in time for their WPA presentation in April.