Mekenna Eisenga | Staff Writer

Lately, I have been overwhelmed by God’s comfort, a feeling that is indescribable because He himself is indescribable. Let’s just say God gives us both seasons of hurt and success so that we can feel His powerful presence. I am still going strong with my 90-day devotion with the man after God’s own heart: David. During my devotion, three things have been revealed to me in my morning devotions this past week and I feel encouraged to share.

 The first revelation is God’s ideas and good ideas are often completely different. This is hard to come to terms with especially because we are all prone to believe that God’s ideas are always good, never bad. However how are we then to experience uncomfortable situations & hard times that move us to find Him for comfort? It is often through painful times that we find precious times with Him. In whole honesty I find it relieving to know that God’s ideas and good ideas are different.

 Think about it: the ideas we think are good are based off of our opinion and worldly persuasion. When in the faith, while others are prone to wander (like live off of their good ideas), we should be prone to worship (worshipping God’s ideas both good and bad). We all crave to have it all, to make sure that people think we are happy and have everything going for us. With that being said, it does not matter about grand positions, but personal petitions. When we find ourselves calling out to God and petitioning our sins and short comings, that is when we experience a grander position in the Lord’s presence. When you try to persuade and manipulate others into thinking you have it all, then you are basically striving to be on a pedestal and allow your “good” ideas to play out louder than God’s ideas.

 Ultimately the Lord can be with a person while that same person can make a decision without the Lord. See what I am trying to say? If we call the Lord our Savior, Rock, and Redeemer but make decisions as if He isn’t our Savior, Rock, and Redeemer, then what is your faith consumed of?

 The second revelation is that we each have countless opportunities to be overwhelmed at the goodness of God. It is quite beautiful once you realize that you cannot out give God. Of course, we want to do so many things for God, but there is nothing like Him! If you think about it, He does everything: pulls us out of storms, renews us, cleanses us, gives us promises, handles our battles, gives us success, touches those around us, and places smiles on our faces. He is everything.

 Although there is no comparison to what He does for us, there are still some things we can do to help in our part as daughters and sons of the King of kings, which is give our devotion to Him. The first devotion is to join David and, “dance before the Lord with all of our might” (2 Samuel 6:14). Go in the public streets and dance before Him & proclaim His name without hesitation. Another devotion is if someone does something for you out of the goodness of their heart, do not worship them, but thank the Lord for that person the Lord has placed in your life. Lastly, live not of this world, listen to His ideas, and do not be ashamed of the gospel. I believe these 3 things are great testimonies to give back to God, our praise and worship of all He has done, great and terrible, it was all for a purpose to transform us. 

 The third revelation is how to be a man or woman after God’s own heart. I am mesmerized by David and his actions. “If he was praised for successes, he quickly gave the praise to God. If he was exalted for his successes, he lifted the name of God even higher. When he was surrounded by splendor, he wanted God to have something more splendid” (Beth Moore). Isn’t that flawless? I wish I could do that every time I have success or all Christians can act like this. David is so remarkable and inspires me to appreciate the good, bad, and ugly in my life and give it all to God. No one was more humble. No one revealed a greater heart for worship. No one held himself more accountable to God. To become more like Christ is to be a man or woman after God’s own heart. What this revealed to me is that David had his setbacks and so have I, David had plenty of times to lose hope and so have I, and David found God keeping His promises and I am starting to experience His promises be revealed.

 All in all, these 3 revealings inspired me to give God the glory for everything, as much as my flesh wants to take the crown, nothing is more shiny or glorious than His crown.