Ashlee Polerak  |  PR Manager

According to Alex Backer, founder of QLess, a program created to eliminate waiting in lines, the average American spends two years of life waiting in line. While long lines may seem like the coal in your Christmas stocking, here are a few things that are worth the delayed gratification.

  1. Christmas lights

Screen Shot 2015-12-12 at 12.50.32 PMThe lines of cars to see the best and brightest Christmas lights around are always worth the wait. When the whole family piles into the car with cozy blankets, a thermos full of steaming hot cocoa and a Christmas playlist, holiday spirits abound. If you’re in the Los Angeles area this Christmas, check out places like Christmas Tree Lane or Upper Hastings Ranch to see whole neighborhoods covered in dazzling decorations. Fill up the gas tank and get the family in the car, because there’s something magical about the twinkling lights, blow up Santas and wooden Nativity scenes that completes the Christmas season.  

  1. Candy canes and Beignets at Disneyland

While the original beignets are worth waiting in line for all year round, Candy Cane beignets  at Disneyland create a holiday explosion in your mouth. The hot deep-fried dough, sprinkled with snow-likScreen Shot 2015-12-12 at 12.50.40 PMe confectioners’ sugar with a dash of peppermint, screams “eat me” and “Merry Christmas” at the same time. Head to the Mint Julep Bar in Disneyland to get your hands on your very own tasty treat.

Unlike most other holiday items, the massive candy canes made in the park are a bit harder to get your hands on, as the parks only make about 120 of them each day. Hopeful candy connoisseurs must wait in line when the park opens to get a wristband signaling their time to pick up their own candy cane. These massive, handmade candy canes are hard to miss and are a must-have when visiting the parks during the holidays.

Anything from Porto’s Bakery & Café

ChristScreen Shot 2015-12-12 at 12.50.51 PMmastime tends to lend itself to cookies, baked goods and the overconsumption of sweets.  At Porto’s Bakery & Café it’s not only about sweet treats, but about the savory ones, too. The line for Porto’s is always long, a testament to how tasty the Cuban food is, but it’s even longer during Christmas. Instead of picking up pre-made rolls or ‘ready to bake’ appetizers, swing by Porto’s and grab some stuffed potato balls or pastel de carne (meat pies). These treats are sure to bring flavor to your holiday spreads.

 A Peppermint Ice Blended from the Coffee Bean

Skip the lines and the controversy about paper cups at Starbucks, and get in line at the Coffee Bean
Screen Shot 2015-12-12 at 12.50.59 PMand Tea Leaf. Order a Peppermint Ice Blended and substitute the regular powder for dark chocolate powder for a refreshing, Christmassy drink. If peppermint isn’t your thing, grab one of their Winter Dream Tea lattes to keep you warm on those cold winter days.

  1. Toy drives and food banks

There’s nothing more rewarding than giving to others. This holiday season, instead of spending time gettinScreen Shot 2015-12-12 at 12.51.05 PMg deals on televisions, shoes and video games, get in line to give. Go to the market and purchase things like healthy canned goods, holiday food items, shelf stable milk, whole grain pastas and granola bars. Take them to your nearest food bank or church outreach program, and give to those who need it this holiday season. If you would rather be Santa to a young child, find a local toy drive and donate new toys, books, stuffed animals and board games so that a child can have a happy Christmas morning. You can check out to find your local food bank or to find the nearest Operation Christmas Child drop-off location.