By Becky Kay

I can’t believe that we are at the end of the school year. For me this means, finals are coming up, dear friends are graduating and I am leaving for an unknown adventure to Nicaragua in 2 short weeks. Looking back on the semester it is crazy to see how much I’ve done, how many papers I’ve written, coffee I’ve drank and amount of “self-care” trips to Disneyland I’ve taken. Time goes by so fast these days and it really makes me reflect on the thought of if I am living my life in a way that is pleasing and glorifying to God. Amidst all the stress and long, sleepless nights of school, maintaining relationships and figuring out when to call the family to check in I often put spending time with God on the back burner. As these next two weeks fly by and finals come and go I am challenging myself and you to take time to sit quietly with God and listen to what He may be speaking to you. Finish out the school year strong Cougars, summer awaits!