More than ever before, social conversations have begun to rise on social platforms – specifically Twitter. Americans are now talking and tweeting vigorously about news in 2014, highlighting protests, civil unrest, unarmed black men and police corruption. Individual opinions have sparked conversations, making Twitter activism at an all-time high.
Dec. 26, Aja Barber, an unverified tweeter with nearly 700 followers, tweeted a question that very few Americans most likely have ever stopped to answer. After a turbulent year in the news, Barber asked the Twitterverse how tweeters would describe America, using the hashtag #AmericaInFiveWords.
According to a CNN article, Barber feels unsafe as a black woman in America. Barber began this hashtag in order for others to be encouraged in their feelings toward this country.
“I feel like right now there’s two Americas,” said Barber in a telephone interview with CNN. “Some of America thinks that everything is fine and the other thinks that it is not. I think it says something about the state of our country that when minorities speak their mind and from their heart they come under attack.”
Barber initially tweeted at a fellow activist and the author of “How to Be Black,” @baratunde, who shared the conversation with his 165,000 followers. According to CNN, #AmericaInFiveWords was used 99,000 times in 72 hours.
Twitter responses addressed topics such as race relations, racial inequality, police brutality, patriotism and health. After much negativity, author and political commentator Michelle Malkin was one of the first to respond to the criticism. Malkin suggested that there is a divide in our nation between the oppressed and the non-oppressed.
Malkin tweeted, “If you are using #AmericaInFiveWords to complain, I have 5 words for you: Move.To.Cuba.Don’t.Return.”
With regard to this trending hashtag, the question for college students focuses on whether to have a completely conservative or liberal stance on the issue. Junior Christian ministries major Crystal Reed shared a more balanced approach than the two extremes, defining America as “free but not equal yet.” As a young, Latina/Caucasian woman, Reed has pride in her country as well as concerns.
“This is a great place to live and we are so privileged,” Reed said. “However, the way that our country is systemically run, not all Americans feel that they are equal. I believe that we still, as a country, need to work toward that goal [of all equality].”
America is a land of opportunity and (some) freedom. We must not only focus on the injustices of this nation, but use the rights we have to create a better future. The USA, as described by Twitter, is “the golden opportunity melting pot” and “imperfect, but still moving forward.”
America has come a long way, but still has a long way to go. This nation still struggles with systematically racist institutions and oppressors not wanting to acknowledge their oppression toward minority groups. America is: “Why are you still upset?” and “equality for all (except you).”
As college students, we must not be afraid to open our mouths and our hearts to the wrongs of this nation. We should accept the call to be the voice of our generation.
The first step is acknowledging injustices and minorities, such as Barber pointed out. White America and other races should no longer victimize themselves, but accept what is true. We have to move past an overly sensitive mentality that does not allow for voice and opinion.
By doing this, we as students can then come together to work against racial relations in the new year. Perhaps America is a nation where people believe “#AllLivesMatter except blacks” because of police involvement in this past year. Perhaps America is still the greatest nation on earth. Either way, take heed and voice your opinion, and then, let’s make strides toward a better nation.